Friday, 31 May 2019

Advantages of Vegetables in Health

Advantages of Vegetables in Health 

The hot came. But what about our health? Hot means to take care of themselves better. The reason we need to stay healthy is the extra protein. This time compared to other seasons, our body becomes weaker. After daily activities all the energy of the body decreases. So we need enough protein, so that we can stay active from inside. That's why we must eat plenty of vegetables in the summer. Vegetables have all the nutritional sources. And the summer vegetable means different vegetables and its different qualities.

Summer means we want vegetables, if not, it does not get eaten. Our body's energy level increases due to adequate nutrients in vegetables. Vegetables are high in spicy and oily food. So in today's article you will discuss the hot vegetables list and its properties that you need to know.

The summer fair means the summer fair. In the summer we see different types of vegetables in the market. Below are the merchandise of some vegetables.

1. Pumpkin Quality

Pumpkin is a cool vegetable Everyone should eat this summer hot summer to keep the body cool in the summer. It also contains fiber and potassium Which helps control blood sugar. Pumpkin digestion plays an extraordinary role to increase strength and to prevent bowel worm. This vegetable helps keep skin away from various diseases.

2. Tomatoes Quality

According to experts, the benefits of using seasoned tomatoes are:

To get rid of the scars in the sun: An important element to get rid of the burn scars in the sun is the seasoned tomatoes. Cut the whole tomatoes into two parts and face the side of the middle of the face and should be thoroughly rubbed. It should be kept 10-15 minutes. Then wash it well with water. Which will remove the scars in everyday use as well as make the skin shine.

Tomatoes to remove Dark Circles and Rackel:

Tomatoes help to overcome dark circles and age-related rings. First, mix a tomato chip and mix well with the equivalent lemon juice. This mixture should be kept around the eyes and on the reckoning 1 hour. Then wash the face with soap or faswas. Dark circles and rackel will be used for regular use.

Tomatoes to increase the brightness of the skin:

Tomato has been used to increase the skin's brightness for a long time. A mixture of 1 tablespoon tomato juice, 1 table spoon of orangal juice and 1 table spoon of juice must be prepared with juice. Clean the skin thoroughly by mixing this mixture with water for 30 minutes. Use 2/3 times a week will be more bright skin.

3. Cucumber Quality

In summer our body becomes dehydrate. The reason for which is the lack of body water. There is probably 96 percent of the amount of water in the river. Which helps to keep the body hydrated and has very few calories that help reduce weight. This vegetable is an excellent source of cilicar which is very beneficial for the skin. Besides, you will be surprised if you hear a lot of grains are very useful for our health. Because it contains plenty of potassium, magnesium and fiber. If you eat raw cucumber with khasasaha diseases will be removed.

4. Radish Quality

Radish Nutrient Vegetables So it is very important to keep these vegetables in the summer. There is also a small amount of vitamin K, vitamin B6 and potassium, which can reduce the risk of kidney stones and stroke. Also, calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper and sodium are available in very small quantities.

5. Carrot Quality

You must have heard the name of the carrots and ate it. But do you know that thousands of these carrots hid too much. So if the carrots are eaten regularly, then it is not impossible to get a disease free body. Carrots can be applied in different ways. Besides, eating carrots raw is very beneficial. Any time the carrots can be eaten. Carrot juice and saladite can also be used. Carrotine is an ingredient in the carrot that creates Vitamin 'A'. There is a lot of 'calcium' and 'vitamin' C ', which is a perfect diet for children
